EAST LANCS chairman Larry Pearson is leaving nothing to chance at the end of the season.

With many of the South African professionals having to return at the end of August, Pearson is determined that his side won't be left out.

He is already putting plans into place to get a sub pro in - as he is resigned to losing South African all-rounder Con de Lange before the Transco Lancashire League season ends.

"I intend to have a look at the other league's fixtures and try and put something in place as soon as I can," he said.

He is especially keen to do this as if the last six seasons run true to form, East Lancs will be up there challenging for honours - and he will be keen that they actually pick some up this season

For five out of the last six summers, the Alexandra Meadows side have finished as runners-up and the other time - in the year 2000 where the title could have gone one of three ways on the final day - they finished third.

"Every club in the Lancashire League expects to win the championship at the start of the season and we are no different.

"Some clubs are more realistic and accept the fact that they might finish lower down but I think that we stand a good chance. I hope so anyway!"

East Lancs were originally chasing South African Mike Smith and had him signed up in March but a foot injury meant they had to look elsewhere.

"We had De Lange pencilled in for the future as he is only a young lad but circumstances meant we went for him sooner.

"He is a right hand batsman and left arm orthodox bowler.

"We have had success in the past with similar players like Brad Young and Claude Henderson.

"He is young and we usually go for players in their mid-20s but Claude Henderson recommended him and said he is one for the future so his age doesn't worry me."

East Lancs have lost Chris Riley, a middle order batsman, to Cherry Tree while they have got three players in return from the Ribblesdale League side.

And they have added John Fairless to their squad, a batsman who played for Somerset Under 19s but is back in Blackburn.

"He is only 18 or 19 and is a good prospect," added Pearson, whose side won against Blackpool in a friendly at the weekend and have two more warm-up games lined up.