A MAN who committed a catalogue of car crimes and deceptions has been jailed for three months and banned from the roads for two years.

Robert Miller, a 22-year-old worker with a burglar alarm company, of Broadway, Haslingden, admitted two offences of driving while disqualified, without insurance and obstructing police.

He also pleased guilty to handling a stolen bank card and obtaining two mobile phones by deception. He asked for three further offences of dishonestly obtaining a mobile phone to be taken into consideration.

Prosecutor Angus Craigen told Blackpool magistrates that in February Miller was banned from driving for 18 months for taking a car and driving while disqualified.

Less than a fortnight after the ban was imposed, police stopped him driving an Escort in Grain Road, Rawtenstall, on March 13

The next day police stopped him again as he drove the same car in Talbot Road, Blackpool. Both times he gave police a false name.

Police in Blackpool became suspicious when they found various documents relating to mobile phones in the car. Investigations showed he had got them dishonestly.

David Charnley, defending, said his client was immature for his age and tried to fit in and please others.

"The two offences of driving while banned happened because he was under pressure from acquaintances to drive. He needs to change his associates."