A MOTHER of four was brought before the courts for tattooing a 13-year-old girl.

Blackburn magistrates heard that the girl had asked Lisa Cliftons to create the image using India Inks and sewing needles.

Cliftons, 26, of Lytham Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to tattooing the girl who was under 18 other than for medical reasons.

She was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £40 costs.

Eddie Harrison, prosecuting, said the police had been contacted by the girl's father. He was angry because he had not given any consent for the tattooing to take place.

The girl told police she had asked for the tattoo but that Lisa had told her not to tell anyone that she had done it.

When she was interviewed, Cliftons admitted that she knew the girl's age but said she did not realise what she did was against the law.

Joanne Lovick, defending, said there was one small tattoo of a flower on the girl's upper arm.

She said the girl had approached Cliftons and asked her to create the tattoo.

"She has been putting tattoos on herself and other people since she was about 16. She wasn't just experimenting," said Miss Lovick.