CALLS for a new emergency road to Fairfield General Hospital will be made at a mass meeting tonight (Tues April 16).

The meeting has been organised by Bury Pensioners' Association which, since the beginning of the year, has staged a high-profile campaign demanding a new route be built to the Rochdale Old Road complex.

They say that Rochdale Old Road is regularly blocked by heavy traffic, leaving ambulances stuck in traffic jams.

Mr Phil Kaiserman, chairman of the association, said: "It is extremely important that everyone attends this meeting.

"It is of the utmost urgency, a matter of life and death, that a new road is built for emergency vehicles as an alternative to Rochdale Old Road, which is horrendous.

"Ambulance crews themselves say 'every second counts' when taking a patient to hospital, and vital seconds are lost on Rochdale Old Road which cannot cope with the amount of traffic that uses it."

Speakers will include Paul Reynolds, chief officer for Bury Community Health Council, and Andrew Young, Unison's health and safety representative at Fairfield Hospital.

Following the meeting a pressure group will be formed to champion the campaign.

Tonight's meeting takes place at St Bede's Social Club in Rochdale Old Road, Bury, at 7.30pm.