A TEENAGER who raided a house with a schoolboy accomplice and stole a stuffed badger has kept his freedom.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Kevin Bridges, 18, and the other youth also took £95 in cash and some tobacco.

Bridges, of Edge End, Great Harwood, admitted burglary and was given 60 hours community punishment, 12 months community rehabilitation and must pay £200 costs.

He was told by Judge David Pirie the raid was the sort of offence which frequently meant young men like him lost their liberty.

The court heard that a window was smashed at the property in Byrom Square, Great Harwood, and both culprits left fingerprints.

When the defendant was interviewed, he said he had been to the property five or six days before and that was how his fingerprints had been left.

Charles Brown, defending, said Bridges was back with his family and had a good job.