RESIDENTS living in a Darwen street were today warned to be on their guard after a number of suspicious people were spotted lurking nearby.

Neighbours in London Terrace contacted police after a man was seen climbing on the window sill of one house in the street during the day.

Another resident said he saw somebody in his back yard late at night but scared him off by shouting down from his bedroom window.

A police spokesman said there have been problems in the past with burglaries in the area and they are asking residents to be extra vigilant.

He said: "We don't want to scare people but I do know that people are worried about this, so I would ask people to keep an eye out for anybody suspicious in the area.

"If anybody does see anything which they are concerned about in the area they are urged to contact us so we can try and prevent any burglaries."

Anyone with any information can contact Darwen police on 01254 353803 or Crimestoppers on 0800 111 555.