A SCOUT band had an unforgettable weekend when they kept a royal appointment to play in front of the Queen at a service held for St George's Day.

The band from the 2nd Rossendale pack were selected to attend Windsor Castle yesterday.

They accompanied the parade of Scouts who were presented to the Queen before marching from the castle to attend a church service at St George's Chapel on the estate.

The group of 45 Rossendale band members made a weekend of the unforgettable event and got home today.

District Commander Stuart Greenwood said: "The Scouts were overwhelmed just by being there.

"It was a very special day for them all, especially when they marched straight past the Queen. She looked genuinely thrilled to be watching them.

"Every year a Royal representative attends the parade but this year was extra special for us because we were playing in front of the Queen in person in her Jubilee year, which is going to be something all the band members will treasure forever."

The Rossendale band assembled at mid-day for an inspection with the Irish Guards leading the parade.

At about 1pm they all marched into the castle, watched by hundreds of people, and played for about 20 minutes.

The Rossendale band lead the parade out of Windsor Castle and on to St George's Chapel.