FEAR of his parents finding out he had been stopped for drink driving prompted teenager Muksood Adam to give false details when pulled over by the police.

The 19-year-old was given 40 hours community service, placed on probation and ordered to pay £50 costs after being found guilty of a several motoring offences by Blackburn Magistrates.

The court was told that Adam, of East Bank Street, Astley Bridge, was pulled over by police in Bolton Road, Blackburn, as he returned to his home after attending a party in the town on December 30.

Officers noted he was struggling to string a sentence together and he was taken to the police station where he was charged with driving while disqualified, drink-driving, using an uninsured motor vehicle, using a vehicle without an MOT certificate and obstructing a police officer.

The court heard Adam had originally given the name Imran Patel and only admitted his real name and address when police investigated who he was.

The defence said Adam had been taken to the party by a friend who had drunk a lot during the evening. Adam felt under pressure to drive back because he had not drunk so much during the evening.

"He is a 19-year-old teenager who was worried about his parents finding out," his defence said.

"He regrets his actions and is keen to get on with his life, including going to university."

Charges of driving without insurance or an MOT certificate were dismissed.