HUNDREDS of Blackburn Muslims gathered in the town centre to protest against oppression of Muslims around the world.

The 500-strong protest march which started at the Bangor Street Community Centre and ended at Blackburn Town Hall, was especially aimed at what organisers say is the state terrorism directed at Muslims in Israeli occupied territories.

Organiser Qastasaddi Rehman said: "The turnout was brilliant. It demonstrates the kind of emotions that are in the Muslim community and the anger towards the terrorism around the world. People had come from around the country to take part.

"For a lot of Muslims it is about time we made our feelings known, and this was about freedom of speech. It was a peaceful protest. "

Ibrahim Master, chair of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, was at the demonstration and said he would be meeting with Foreign Secretary Jack Straw to discuss the Israeli situation today .

Blackburn borough councillor Hussain Akhtar, who also attended, said: "We are still working for the Blackburn community, but we are also concerned for the killing of innocent Muslims around the world."

Insp Mick Laraway of Blackburn police said: "We were in close liaison with the organiser of this march and explained the guidelines for him and they were all adhered to."

Around 300 devout Muslims marched through Blackburn town centre yesterday to protest against the massacre 1400 years ago of their Prophet and his family.

The marchers, a handful of whom beat themselves in a visual outpouring of grief, walked from the Preston New Road mosque to Addison Street mosque.