A MAN who created upset with a water pistol was told by a judge his actions had been stupid.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Simon Blackledge, 21, went into a shop and pointed the pistol, thought to be a handgun, at a friend.

It was in fact a water pistol and he sprayed beer in the friend's ear. But, after he left the premises he was seen waving the pistol around and caused distress to a woman and her child who feared something serious was happening.

An armed police officer ended up being called and the defendant was arrested.

Blackledge was told by Judge David Pirie he had not thought about the consequences of his behaviour to other people.

The judge said the woman outside the shop feared for her safety and Blackledge had put himself in an extremely dangerous position as the arrival of the armed officer could have had dreadful consequences for him.

Blackledge, of Tintern Crescent, Blackburn, had earlier admitted affray.

He was given 120 hours community punishment and must pay £400 costs.

Peter Horgan , prosecuting, said last July the defendant went into the shop in Great Harwood, produced what appeared to be a hand gun and pointed it at a young customer's head.

The customer seemed to have treated it as amusing but when the defendant left the premises he walked across the main road and waved the gun around shouting he would kill the customer.

Charles Brown, defending, said Blackledge had been in work since 1996.

It was hard to gauge how serious or otherwise the incident might have been seen.

It was clear from the video his conduct in the shop seemed to have caused no great consternation, including to the person he pointed the gun at. Blackledge accepted he had been foolish but his actions were wholly misinterpreted by some.