BLACKBURN referee Phil Richards bowed out after 15 years working in top flight football and admitted: "It was a memorable day."

The 48-year-old took charge of the crucial first division game at St Andrews yesterday afternoon as Birmingham City beat Sheffield United 2-0 to clinch their place in the play-offs.

"It was an unbelievable atmosphere, their biggest crowd of the season and I really enjoyed it," said Richards who was officiating in his 554th and final game.

"Everyone at the game knew it was my last game and they had done a big piece in the programme. Also it was a nice touch as both managers came in to see me before kick off.

"Blues boss Steve Bruce also told me to make sure I got the match ball and he would get everyone to sign it for me.

"I know what can happen in these games so when the five minutes of stoppage time was up I went over to the keeper Nico Vaesen and told him to kick the ball to me to make sure I got it."

The one disappointment for Richards was that he had to flash the red card for the final time in his career, dismissing Blues defender Darren Purse.

"It was deja vu as it was the same as when I sent off Tranmere's Clint Hill in the Worthington Cup final for Tranmere against Leicester," he said.

"To be fair the Sheffield United players tried to talk me out of it and reduce it to a booking but I had to be professional. I had not worked 15 years at the top level to let myself down in the last game. I owed it to other teams chasing the play-offs, like Burnley, to do the job right and sentiment could not come in to it."

But it was an emotional occasion as Richards was joined by his family and received lots of best wishes cards including one from a FIFA linesman in Russia.

"It was a brilliant day, one of the best alongside Wembley," he confessed. "If it wasn't for my age I would want to carry on although my ankles might not want me to.