CHANCELLOR of the Exchequer Gordon Brown announced an extra £114,000 funding for every secondary school in the country and £39,000 for primaries in his Budget.

Heads will decide how to spend the money. So what is involved in pulling the purse-strings in a typical East Lancashire school?

Brian Peacock is headteacher at Shadsworth Junior School in Blackburn and manages his own budget which runs to £500,000.

He receives more than £1,500 for every pupil compared with £2,300 for nursery children, and an extra £350 for each special needs youngster.

His biggest item of expenditure is paying his teachers' wages -- the bill here runs to £315,000.

And even swimming lessons for 250 pupils have to be paid for at a cost of £2,700.

Overall, Chancellor Brown announced a £270million package for education and skills nationwide.

Education Secretary Estelle Morris said: "Investment matched by reform in education continues, with the Budget channelling extra resources into our key priorities -- better disciplined schools and more modern classrooms."