ISRAEL is committing the most terrible outrages against humanity and what are the so-called liberal democracies doing about it? Nothing.

Tony Blair and George Bush say they are fighting a war for the moral high ground yet do nothing to stop the slaughter of Palestinians.

For years, the terrible events of the Second World War have shrouded events in Israel. In fact, any criticism was seen as being anti-Semitic.

Yet there is the removal of masses of people from their homes and ancient lands to the refugee camps, capture of land for living space, retribution by tanks, and aircraft against people armed only with stones, totally ignoring international agreements.

Little wonder, then, that being ignored by the outside world, some Palestinians see no other recourse than to use themselves as weapons.

The government must get all parties, such as EU and UN to intervene to stop the killing. And it must do so now!

GRAHAM CARTER, Kingsway, Lower Darwen, Blackburn.