REGARDING the remarks of Noel Eke (Letters, April 11), may I put the record straight that proceedings for speeding offences in a 30mph area are instigated at 35mph, not 33mph as stated. This is in accordance with national guidelines agreed by the Association of Chief Police Officers.

It is unfortunate that Mr Eke has not seen the recent television advertisements which depict the consequences of travelling at only 5mph in excess of the legal speed limit. At 35mph a driver is twice as likely to kill someone as they are at 30mph.

At 30mph, vehicles travel at 44 feet per second. Even in good conditions the difference in stopping distance between 30mph and 35mph is an extra 21 feet.

In Lancashire each year more than 3,000 people are killed or injured in speed related collisions.

While speed enforcement is unpopular with those who exceed the speed limit, one needs to consider the victims of road crashes. Is the amount of death and injury acceptable? Should motorists be allowed to decide at what speed they feel it is safe to drive or should the law be observed?

Funds allocated for speeding fines are strictly controlled and audited to show that the money is being spent on camera enforcement activities and casualty reduction. This is a new funding mechanism and in no way diverts resources or activity from the constabulary's commitment to reducing crime and disorder throughout the county.

IAN BELL, Project Manager, Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety, Cross Street, Preston.