HOW interesting that JJB Sports intend to move from their current premises in Blackburn town centre to above the BHS store (LET, April 5).

It seems to prove that large multiples are interested in expanding in Blackburn regardles of whether or not they have ground floor premises, with or without a shop window. It also tends to indicate that similar stores would be interested in moving into or expanding in the town centre were such premises available.

What a shame that Standard Life, the precinct owners, cannot see the potential to develop the Lord Square area. I recently received a letter from the investment director of the company stating that any investment and subsequent development in the area did not show to be "financially viable," and that "demand from potential occupiers for the new units was limited."

I hope someone informs him about JJB's intended move and that this proves to him and others concerned that there is demand for suitable units in the town centre.

I still fail to understand why the company cannot see the huge financial potential in Lord Square. Blackburn is crying out for, among other things, a decent quality town centre hotel, leisure facilities like a large multiplex cinema, a bowling alley, a restaurant and many more -- all of which could be created by building upwards and which could take advantage of the existing extensive car parking facilities which remain mainly empty after 5pm each day.

Facilities like these would benefit the whole of the community by providing easily-accessible jobs, bringing more customers into the existing shops, keeping the town competitive and, most importantly, creating a safe environment out of normal retail hours.

PAULINE VAUGHAN, Higher Church Street, Blackburn.