A 25-YEAR-OLD woman was taken to hospital after being attacked by a young girl in a gang of about 20 teenagers.

Police are appealing for information about the assault.

The victim was making her way home from a night out at about 11.30pm on Saturday near the Hand and Shuttle Pub, Burnley Road, Padiham, when she was approached by the group of about 20 teenagers.

One of the girls in the group punched her in the head twice and then ripped her top off.

The woman was taken to Burnley General Hospital for treatment after suffering from two black eyes and a possible broken nose.

PC Lisa Hodgkinson is keen to speak to anybody who witnessed the attack.

She said: "This attack was totally unprovoked and was very nasty which is why I need to talk to anybody who was in the area on Saturday and saw what went on."

The attacker is described as being around 16, 5ft 4ins tall, with a tanned complexion and a modern jaw length blond hairstyle.

Anybody with any information should contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or PC Hodgkinson on 01282 472303.