NEW licence plates have been launched for cabs in a bid to crack down on bogus private hire operators who dodge paying insurance.

Due to recently introduced legislation Burnley Borough Council is no longer able to manufacture and fit the combined licence and registration plates which are displayed on the rear of all licensed private hire vehicles.

Police and the licensing committee have now launched a newly designed licence plate which will be gradually introduced to all private hire vehicles.

The new plate, which will be fitted to the rear bumper of each vehicle, will inform the public of the licence number issued by the council, the licence expiry date, the registration number, colour and type of vehicle and the number of passengers the cab is allowed to carry.

Sergeant Russ Gregory of the Road Policing Unit said: "These new plates will assist passengers to identify genuine private hire operators and vehicles and assist the police in identifying bogus companies who operate illegally and are not covered by insurance.

"In addition the Burnley Borough Council crest is printed on the left hand side of the plate to enable the public to identify that the vehicle is licensed by the Council."

Two stickers will be placed inside the vehicle, one on the dashboard and one on the front passenger window. These will indicate the licence number, the expiry date, the permitted number of passengers and in the event of a complaint regarding the driver or the vehicle, the contact address of the licensing officer to give passengers added peace of mind.

The council's Licensing Enforcement Officer Mick Armfield said: "The new plates and stickers contain much more information which will enable the passengers to be certain that the vehicle which they have booked is fully licensed by the council."