A VIDEO shop assistant was punched in the head as two robbers raided the till.

Officers investigating the robbery at the Blockbuster Video store in Market Street, Colne, at 11.25am on Sunday.

The incident occurred as the female shop assistant was on her own.

DS Ruth Chew said: "Two white men entered the shop and went straight behind the counter. One of them struck the shop assistant to the head with his fist causing a minor injury and demanded that she open the till which she did.

"The second man then took £100 from the till and they both left through the back door."

The shop assistant, who did not want to be named, said: "It all happened within about 30 seconds so I didn't really have chance to do anything. I'm fine myself. It's just one of those things when you work somewhere like this."

Both men were described as between 30 and 35 years old and with local accents.

The first man was said to be 6ft, stocky build, with a shaven head and a dark stubbly beard, tattoos on his right hand, wearing a black waist length jacket and camouflage trousers.

His accomplice was described as around 5ft 8ins, stocky, clean shaven, with scruffy looking dark brown hair, wearing a navy sweatshirt and denim jeans.

If anyone saw the incident or has seen the two men before or after the robbery, they should contact Colne CID on 01282 472445.