ROSSENDALE residents looking forward to celebrating 50 years with twin town Bocholt in Germany want local organisations to get involved.

The Friends of Bocholt reach their Golden Jubilee with events in Bocholt in September and Rossendale in October.

The group is looking for more local organisations -- such as sports teams, choirs and schools -- to link up with their Bocholt equivalents to share information or set up exchange visits.

Friends of Bocholt also organises its own trips to Germany, including for the town's carnival in February.

The group runs a German-style Christmas market every year in Rawtenstall.

Anyone interested in getting involved in the twinning links should write to the secretary Tim Nuttall, c/o Rawtenstall Tourist Information Centre, 41-45 Kay Street, Rawtenstall, Rossendale BB4 7LS, call him on 01706 244678.

They can also e-mail him at