A MAN refused to take no for an answer when his ex-partner denied him access to their children.

Blackburn magistrates heard that, despite being warned by police, Stephen Bamber phoned Sarah Gornall more than 60 times at her place of work and was waiting on the doorstep when she got back to her Longridge home.

He was eventually arrested after failing to heed further police warnings.

Bamber 31, of Braefield Crescent, Ribbleton, Preston, admitted a breach of the peace and was bound over in £150 to keep the peace, especially towards Miss Gornall, for six months.

Peter Wild, prosecuting, said police were first called to Miss Gornall's home at 11am on Saturday. He was demanding to see the children and when access was refused he became agitated. He was eventually persuaded to leave the area and Miss Gornall went to work, taking the children with her.

"While she was there she received in excess of 60 phone calls from Bamber and when she got home that evening he was sat outside," said Mr Wild.

"The police were again called and he was asked to calm down but eventually he had to be arrested."

Stephen Parker, defending, said Bamber had court-approved access to his children but as much as possible tried to come to amicable arrangements with his ex-partner.

"He knew she was going to work, he was free and it seemed sensible for him to have the children," said Mr Parker.