A SERIAL trickster who tried to get into an East Lancashire hospital posing as a doctor has revealed the reasons why he became Britain's biggest conman.

Paul Bint was jailed in 1994 for a series of thefts and deceptions, including offences at Blackburn Royal Infirmary.

He later tricked his way into the renal unit at the Royal Preston Hospital and sent a patient for treatment.

A BBC2 Everyman documentary last night featured Bint who tried to explain his life of deception.

Bint said: "I wonder who I am at times because I have taken so many identifications.

"I had quite an amazing experience when I was in a children's home feeling very lonely and deserted.

"I got taken to hospital and there were people there who actually cared about me."

In 1999 Bint tried to con Blackburn school dinner lady Anita Scott when he was released from prison on licence.

He met her on a family day out in Corporation Park, Blackburn, and introduced himself as Lachlan Gates, claiming he worked for BSkyB.

She became suspicious when he turned up to her Saunders Road home, Blackburn, without the Porsche he claimed was his.

Bint has also posed as a barrister, a wealthy businessman and a successful City banker.

He also tried to con the documentary makers by embellishing his crimes.

East Lancashire hospitals were alerted when Bint was released from Preston prison on licence in 1999.

He was recaptured in Barrowford, where he had earlier tried to sell his story to a reporter, and returned to Preston prison.