YOUNG people in East Lancashire know the cost of computer games and CDs.

But they are not sure how to budget for food, rent and bills.

The evidence that many of them will find life a struggle when they leave home to go to college or university has been unearthed in new research among school pupils who will be quitting school this summer.

It shows:

85 per cent know the average cost of a CD

80 per cent are familiar with what they will have to pay for a computer game

83 per cent know the price of a can of coke

But it also reveals:

75 per cent don't know the cost of a colour TV licence

49 per cent estimate that a new basic fridge would cost over £200

26 per cent believe that when they leave the parental home and live by themselves one of their three biggest expenses will be going out, whilst 24 per cent think it will be clothes and 20 per cent their mobile phone bills.

The research was carried out by NOP for Barclays.