AN East Lancashire school scarred by playground violence three months ago has won new backing as it fights to improve its image -- from the parents.

A mass brawl at Moorhead High School in Accrington in January resulted in the suspension and arrest of pupils and the sort of national media coverage that is every headteacher's nightmare.

Now, the Friends of Moorhead -- comprising parents of pupils at the school -- are putting their weight behind a major push to turn the school's fortunes around and beat parental apathy at the same time.

The group is chaired by Anita Vine, whose own children are in years 8 and 11. She said: "We're a pool of people who want to help the school and other parents.

"For instance, if a parent wants to get in touch with the school, perhaps with a problem or just to find out what's going on , it can feel a bit daunting.

"Secondary schools like Moorhead are not like primary schools. It's a big place and it can be a bit difficult for some people. But if they contact us we will get in touch with someone for them."

It's a role that goes beyond the traditional parent/teacher association boundaries of fundraising, and is aimed at helping to beat the problem of apathy which some people feel still exists at Moorhead.

Maths teacher and school publicity officer Christine McIntosh said: "There's no doubt the school's image took a knock three months ago.

"Most parents are very supportive but some are still not motivated to get involved with their children's education and we're tryng to do something about it." The Friends will also try to help Moorhead with money-raising. A £4million new classroom block is due to open at the school in September and is seen by managers and staff as a hopeful symbol of a fresh beginning and a bright future. "We have lots of plans to make use of it with things like family quiz nights and a 'street' of craft stalls," Anita said.

"We need more members," Anita added. "Our message to other parents is: We need your support.

"They don't have to come to every meeting; just help out or attend functions." The group meets regularly at the Crown pub in Whalley Road, Accrington.

And parents, relatives, carers, staff and anyone who simply considers themselves to be a 'friend' of the school is welcome to attend.