REGARDING Mr A Pearson's vitriolic attack on the news coverage of the death and events up to the funeral of the Queen Mother (Letters, April 16). No doubt millions of people find the idea of monarchy abhorrent.

But then there are also millions like myself who realise the need for a head of state, removed from the corrupt world of politics.

I am a socialist, as are most of the people of Sweden, Norway and Denmark, yet they still enjoy 'royals' as head of state, and coincidentally are among the more stable countries of the world.

It is not all that long ago that the people of Spain voted for the return of a king as head of state, while still returning a socialist government.

Republicans never say with what they would replace the royal head of state. They use the word 'president,' but of what style -- that of America, where money takes all, or just maybe that of Zimbabwe, where corruption and the gun rule?

Perhaps it would make a good job for politicians past their 'sell by date.' We have lots of these, but then we usually send them to Europe, as commissioners.

What most republicans forget is that the United Kingdom had a republic in the 1600s, decided it did not like the misery and restored the crown.

GERALD SCHOFIELD, Swallow Drive, Blackburn.