FAMILIES of Parkside Close must be among the most patriotic in the borough.

Even though the Queen does not celebrate her Golden Jubilee until next month, plans for the Radcliffe residents' celebrations are already well in advance.

This week saw the judging of more than 100 jubilee paintings by youngsters who live in, around or are friends of those living in the street.

The overall winning picture was done by six-year-old Rachel Angus, but all entrants received a painting set for their efforts.

MP Ivan Lewis is currently deciding which of the 13 jubilee poems will join Rachel's picture and be scanned on to a special jubilee cake by Slattery's, the Whitefield patisserie.

The person behind the whole event is Mrs Colette Jones, which is ironic because she happily confesses that she is not even a monarchist!

"I was volunteered, but I must say that I'm really impressed by the levels of enthusiasm," she said. "The estate is fairly new so it's been a very good way for people to get to know their neighbours at the regular planning meetings we have."

Operating on a principle of "there's no harm in trying" Mrs Jones wrote to the Queen herself to see if she would like to judge the picture competition entries!

"I got a very nice letter back from Buckingham Palace explaining that the Queen could not do it personally, but recommending her Lord Lieutenant, Harold Riley, as a suitable alternative."

The famous Salford artist was only too happy to oblige and on Monday (April 29) he selected the nine winners.

"He said he had a lot of fun judging them and was very impressed by the standard," said Mrs Jones.

A huge street party is planned for June 3 itself, when there will be a junior treasure hunt, a "Best Pet" competition and a whole lot of fun and games.

Subject to grant funding, the close is also hoping to plant 100 shrubs and roses as well as install a new bench and play equipment in the nearby Close Park.