FRANCES Donnelly, 21, of Lawrence Street, Blackburn, was fined £150 with £50 costs by Blackburn magistrates after pleading guilty to being drunk and disorderly.

The court heard that police were called to Lawrence Street in the early hours following a complaint that two males had been to a woman's house in a drunken state.

They saw Donnelly who said he wanted his work boots from his ex-girlfriend's house.

He was told that 2.30am was not an appropriate time and to go back and sort things out in the morning.

He was arrested after becoming abusive.

Jonathon Taylor, defending, said Donnelly had argued with his girlfriend that evening and had then gone out drinking with a friend.

He intended staying at his friends house but attempted to get his work boots for the next day.

"He accepts that his conduct was not good when the police arrived," said Mr Taylor.