SEVENTEEN-year-old James Vintin doesn't take vitamin pills and enjoys risking life and limb on his mountain bike -- but he hasn't had a day off school in seven years.

Since arriving at St Wilfrid's High School in Blackburn in 1995, James has chalked up an attendance mark at every one of his 7,000 lessons.

On top of that, he has a 90-minute round trip each day on the school bus from his home in Burnley to Blackburn. James, of Helvellyn Drive, said: "I've had occasional colds, but I've always managed to get to school."

He is studying for A-levels in physics, chemistry and biology and intends to go on to Bangor University in the autumn to read marine zoology.

"I'm hoping to get through three years there without missing a lecture," he added.

St Wilfrid's headteacher David Whyte said: "James has been an outstanding student during his time at St.Wilfrid's -- not only in his academic work but also in other aspects of school life.

"He has been an excellent pupil and we wish him well for the future."

When he is not studying or out on his mountain bike James is a keen musician.

He plays the piano and tuba -- and says he never misses a note either.