I AM sorry I missed Tony Blair's visit to Blackburn's Bank Top area. I wondered what the sudden activity to tidy up Chatburn Gardens was in aid of.

But while much is improved in the area we still suffer from dumping in back streets and spare land that's continuously used as tips.

The residents are unable to do anything about eyesores like the empty petrol station on Wensley Road and the abandoned plot on Preston New Road that was the West End garage.

Is Mr Blair aware that the elderly dare not leave home in darkness? The chance of seeing a policeman on the beat is remote and, because the area is so attractive to house purchasers, you can buy a home for £11,000. Houses bought for £38,500 12 years ago are for sale at £36,000 today.

If Tony Blair came to 'highlight' housing or law and order, be came to the wrong area.

SAM SPENCE, Ribblesdale Place, Blackburn.