ANTI-BNP protesters marched to Burnley peace garden to object to three of Burnley's newly elected councillors.

Anti Nazi League (ANL) members met at Burnley's bandstand before marching along Parker Lane to the peace garden outside the library to object to the British National Party councillors who won seats in Thursday's local elections. More than 100 protesters marched, carrying banners from various organisations including unions Unison, NATFHE and the MSF and Greater Manchester Socialist Alliance.

There was some heckling from young white men in the town centre, but otherwise the march passed without incident.

At the peace garden they were addressed by various speakers including national ANL leaders, representatives from Oldham and ANL member Steve O'Donnell, 46, who lives in the Duke Bar area -- where much of last year's rioting occurred.

The elderly and the young joined the march. Rose Halstead, 88, from Burnley, has lived through two world wars and joined the protest because she does not want to see the horrors repeated.

She said: "My dad fought in the First World War and my three brothers were in the Second World War.

"I don't think people really understand what they were voting for."