FORGET Carol Smillie and her BBC handy man crew -- just call in the coppers from Burnley police station.

When local children's assessment unit Easden Clough, in Morse Street, Burnley, needed a makeover of three of its rooms it called in the police to perform a 'Changing Rooms'-style makeover.

A team of kind-hearted police joined forces with the town's Asda store to complete the work and successfully secured funding and materials to carry out the job.

One of the rooms at the community home, run by Lancashire County Council's social services department, has been made into a computer room, another a relaxation room and the third, a pool room, also doubles as a meeting room.

Sgt Nick Hodgeson, from Burnley Police co-ordinated the makeover and Gillian Lingard, events organiser from Asda, supplied a stream of willing volunteers to do the decorating.

Sgt Hodgeson said: "Easden Clough provides temporary accommodation for young people and while some of them are there for a relatively short period of time, others can stay up to 12 months.

"With this in mind, we though it would be nice to make the place a bit more homely, hence the idea for a Changing Rooms-style makeover."

Asda fund-raisers provided some sports equipment, computer firm Compuysys provided a PC and restricted Internet access and Dexter's Paints provided free paint to brighten the walls.

In addition Lancashire Partnership Against Crime (LANPAC) also provided £200 towards furniture.

Sgt Hodgeson said: "I would like to say a big thank-you to everyone who has helped us on this project.

"The makeover means a lot to us and to the staff and residents at Easden Clough."