REPRESENTATIVES from councils across Lancashire met to talk rubbish -- and how the growing problem of waste can be tackled.

Every day Lancashire householders throw 2,000 tonnes of rubbish away, enough to cover Preston city centre.

This includes everything from dirty nappies to garden leaves and grass and nearly all of it ends up being buried in one of the county's landfill sites -- a major problem that all councils agree must be tackled.

All the councils in Lancashire have signed up to the 20-year waste strategy 'A Greener Strategy for a Greener Future'.

A major conference, attended by more than 125 people, at the Dunkenhalgh Hotel, Clayton-le-Moors highlighted some of the key issues.

County Councillor Brian Johnson, Cabinet Member for Community and Regeneration, said: "We are already a long way down the path in tackling our growing mountain of rubbish in Lancashire.

"We have run schemes like the big home compost bin giveaway and increasing separated recycling collections from people's homes.

"This conference was a good opportunity for the people who will have to take some of the difficult decisions in the future to find out what is happening in other parts of the UK and help Lancashire reduce the impact of our waste on the environment."