A FAMILY farming fun day is being held on May 12 to give people the chance to explore the operations on a farm.

The day will be held at Cronkshaw Fold Farm, off Alden Road in Helmshore. It will go on all afternoon from around 11am and finishing at 4pm.

Organisers will take visitors on a trail to the top of the farm to listen to birds such as skylarks, peewits, curlews, twits and meadow pipits.

Visitors will then be taken to the plant room to watch the farming and food production and watch the sheep lambing close to the farm yard.

Children will be invited to feed the hens, see the chicks and explore the early years area to gain an insight into the world of farm yard animals.

Tickets are £2 for children and £1.50 for adults and concessions. A family discount ticket is available for £6 (two adults and two children) and car parking is free.