A TEENAGER was threatened with a knife and almost dragged into a car during a terrifying attack in Blackburn at the hands of a gang which police said was a racist attack.

John Jackson said his 15-year-old son, Christopher, and a pal were jumped on as they stood outside shops near to Witton Park School, in Buncer Lane, while on their dinner break from the school. Mr Jackson said the Asian gang arrived in two cars and set about Christopher, punching and kicking him to the ground.

Mr Jackson said one of the gang pulled a knife on him and tried to drag him into the car before he managed to wrestle free and head back to school. Christopher's friend also managed make it back to school but, said Mr Jackson, was followed into the grounds where he too was attacked.

Staff at the school took Christopher to Blackburn Royal Infirmary where he was treated for cuts and bruises, before informing his father. Police deployed officers to the school at home time in case of any repeat of the incident and have appealed for witnesses.

Mr Jackson has taken the step of sending his son away to a relatives' home in a different county through fear of reprisals.

He said: "He was in a right mess when I first saw him. There were about eight of them and they just laid into him, punching and kicking him. One got a knife out and tried to get him in the car. Anything could have happened if they got him in."

Mr Jackson said his son was badly shaken by the attack and was left with black eyes, cuts and bruises.

Det Chief Insp Neil Smith said: "The alleged attack is being treated as a racist incident and police are investigating it thoroughly. We would appeal to any witnesses to come forward."