NURSES from Royal Preston Hospital's children's ward are in training for this year's Race for Life to raise money for the brave youngsters they care for.

A team of go-getting nurses from paediatric Ward A are swapping their uniforms for shorts and T-shirts as they plan to be the fittest team on the track at Preston Sports Arena on Sunday May 26.

Staff nurse Jean Hogarth has worked at the hospital for twenty years and has seen many children battle against life-threatening ailments and illnesses, including cancer.

"You get a lot of inspiration from these children, being a nurse you see the way they cope with everything. Their parents often go to pieces and you have to tell them to be strong because their children are," said Jean.

Colleague and fellow staff nurse, Alison Hall, has run marathons in the past and is now in charge as 'personal trainer' to train the team every Friday before the big day.

Jean said: "What we do is we run around all the pubs in town -- no I'm joking, we are taking it seriously, I go out at 7am for my early morning run and Alison is great."

The nurses are no strangers to the tragic effects of cancer after losing their colleague, nursing auxillery Maureen Coombes, to the illness recently.

Jean, who has two children, Damien, 22, and Nick, 19, said the nurses are aiming to enjoy the day as they remember loved ones. They train together and intend to run together to raise at least £300 for Cancer Research UK.

"We try to do our best for the children in here and we have lots of long chats, the children are often taken home to be cared for there and the outreach services play an important role," said Jean.

The Citizen is supporting Race for Life and would like to hear from anyone who is taking part -- especially the men who are helping out on the day call our reporter Margaret Blackburn on 255532.

If you wish to join in visit the website at or call into The Citizen offices in Chapel Street, Preston, during office hours.