FORMER Stone Roses guitarist Aziz Ibrahim is set to go acoustic as he joins Blackburn band The 'Burn on tour next month.

Speaking to Pulse during his hectic schedule of recording with Paul Weller and touring with Ian Brown, he revealed plans to shun his extensive collection of electric guitars for an acoustic, bringing a different dimension to the evening.

And with his new set taking in material co-written with Ian Brown, his debut album and recent work with Blackburn singer Stephanie Kirkham, it promises to be a compelling appearance.

Aziz said: "It's just going to be myself, an acoustic guitar and a few guests. It'll be a bit different. It's going to be a 21st century acoustic gig." Talking about his work with Stephanie, he said they had been introduced by his former manager Nova Rehman. He said: "She's not only a great singer but also a great songwriter. We've been working on a project for a while now which we hope to complete after the tour."

He also revealed he hoped to have his debut album, Lahore To Longsight, out in the shops soon and after the tour he'll also be starting work with Ian Brown on the singer's next album.

Looking forward to the gigs, Aziz said: "They're a good laugh. We got on well during the Ian Brown tour earlier this year and it's going to be good to play with a bunch of Northerners again."

Aziz joins The 'Burn at their Blackburn gig at the Windsor Suite on Wednesday, June 5.