SOME time ago Darwen Street was the main street in Blackburn. Then, to make room for the town hall tower, the whole market was moved to a new site.

This unbalanced the toilet-less Boulevard and the terminus for the buses as most stops are now situated at any point other than was intended. This almost killed off Darwen Street and did damage to surrounding streets, including Church Street.

There was nothing to be gained by closing Church Street but that was to go ahead whether people were in favour or not as it had already been rubber-stamped behind closed doors.

This project was nothing but a public relations stunt to please Brussels and fill the begging bowl.

When it is completed the Labour councillors will shout that the redevelopment is an award-winner and pat one another on the back. But the people of Blackburn have ended up with no main street as such in their town.

And, yet, through all this, the council are hell bent on city status. What city?

JOHN SHORROCK, Marlton Road, Blackburn.