A HINDLEY school needs to raise more than £40,000 if it is to achieve its ambition to become a centre of excellence for the arts.

Staff and pupils at Tanfield School are appealing for support from the community and business leaders in their bid to gain specialist Arts College Status from the Government.

To apply, Tanfield must find £43,000 to match a potential £50,000 Government grant.

Headteacher Elizabeth Edge said: "If Arts College status is achieved, the school will expand 'Arts for Life' within their specialist field and within the local community at large."

Through Arts Colleges the government hopes to raise standards for achievement, create more opportunities and strengthen school links with the private sector and charitable organisations.

Arts College status would mean more funding for Tanfield over four years and other local schools would hopefully also benefit.

Tanfield has a long arts tradition. In September they held a 'Sensational Arts Week' and had winning entries in the Manchester Show.

Mrs Edge said: "During each school year we provide opportunities for our youngsters to receive input from a range of arts specialists, from puppeteers and dancers, to musicians and artists in residence.

"Arts Week celebrated the Arts in the broadest sense, and involved arts and crafts, drama, music, and dance. We welcomed a host of entertainers, artists and drama groups into school, including the very famous Halle Orchestra."

The school has planned a number of fund-raising events. A garden party will be held at the school in Borsdane Avenue on Monday, June 17 and an attic sale will also take place at the school on Saturday July 6.

Anyone who would like to get involved can call Tanfield School on 01942 255683.