IF you enjoy getting out in the summer sunshine why not try a bit of bird watching at the same time.

But before you go out drop by the internet to get an idea of what to look out for.

New to the web scene is www.birddiary.co.uk which came about in January.

This site provides you with an online diary of sightings and is building a searchable database.

You can use this to find out where to go to see which birds and as this site progresses, it will be an excellent resource.

One place you can't miss is www.fatbirder.com when searching the web.

It is a huge site with well over 1,000 pages and several thousand links, reflecting the huge numbers attracted to this pastime.

Of course a useful place to go is the RSPCA site at www.rspb.org.uk. You can even help in identifying the nesting habits of the birds that use your garden.

So check out the web first to get an idea of which birds to look out and before you know it you'll be able to spot your wagtails from your purple herons.