DAVID Blunkett is to set up centres where the children of asylum seekers are to be educated.

According to an opinion poll conducted lately by the ultra respectable and meticulously accurate Reader's Digest, 88% of the British people think that Britain is a soft touch and that there are too many immigrants here already. David himself has used the word "swamped" in this context.

Would it not, in the light of this, make more sense to keep the asylum crowd out altogether rather than put the taxpayer to the additional expense of educating their children, especially when, since the cane was abolished, teachers have deserted the profession in droves because they have been unable to maintain control and there are too few teachers for our own children?

Is Britain supposed to be a democracy or not? When the Socialists will not listen to the people is it in the least surprising that they turn to the Nationalists who do listen?

N G Charnley,

Chesterfield Road,
