HAVING just returned from a wonderful holiday by the Norfolk Fens, I feel obliged to compliment the county on the clear way that the road speed was controlled.

In hamlets a light came on as you entered saying 20mph only. In towns similar to Accrington, the sign lit up and said 30mph. On the open road it was 50mph and apart from one village, where they had had a touch of the Hyndburn disease -- humps in the road -- it was all smooth driving and I only saw one car accident.

After observing 40-foot wagons trying to negotiate the chicanes in Charter Street, Accrington, and having to use half the pavement in the process, I say to the jumped up planners, who have made the district a hell hole: Go out into the real world and study places like Norfolk and compare the accident rate, then come back and tell me your planning is justified.

FRANCIS CROSS, Eagle Street, Accrington.