YOUNGSTERS at a Bury high school have been bridging the age gap to help them learn more about the town where they live.

Eighteen pupils from Broad Oak High School have visited the residents of Chestnut Court Nursing Home.

The visit was organised by the head of geography Mrs Karen Anderson-Rigby.

She said: "The aims of the visit were two fold. Firstly, we feel it is important for schools to have links with the local community.

"Secondly, pupils will gain first hand historical and geographical knowledge from real life sources."

Pupils at the school in Hazel Avenue took along folders of school work, some photographs and a personal item to talk about with the residents. They also prepared questions to ask about Bury in times past and about the residents' lives and life experiences.

Mr Mark Howsham, activities co-ordinator at Chestnut Court in Newton Street, said the elderly residents had been looking forward to the visit and meeting the young pupils.

Mrs Anderson-Rigby added: "We hope this will be just the beginning of a flourishing partnership between Chestnut Court and the school."