AN elderly woman was attacked at knifepoint for her shopping bag as she walked home on Friday night.

The victim, 72, who does not wish to be named, was approached by a man yielding a knife who demanded her shopping bag as she made her way home along Waterbarn Street, Burnley, at 9pm.

The attacker grabbed the bag and pushed her to the floor. She was left shaken by the incident but did not require hospital treatment. During the incident the woman noticed the man was holding a knife in his hand.

Detective Constable Steve Eccles said: "The man then made off on foot without any property, but the woman was left shaken by the incident, although she was not taken to hospital for treatment.

"We have yet to recover the knife and our investigations are continuing."

Detectives have described the offender as a white teenager, about 5ft 8ins, tall, fair, short hair, with a suntanned complexion, clean shaven, wearing a royal blue short jacket.

Representatives from Victim Support have offered her help and support in the wake of her ordeal.

Contact Burnley CID on 01282 472280 or the confidential Crimestoppers hotline on 0800 555 111 with information.