MANAGERS wanting to get the best from their staff are being urged to take an innovative course.

The 'coaching' course is being offered by a Northern Technologies in Netherfield, Nelson.

Tutor Allan Clarke said that although the subject was more associated with sport than management training, he believed coaching staff was the key to success.

Allan, previously a senior manager at Burnley's Michelin site before it closed, said: "Coaching is becoming essential. Managers need to be able to lead their team and get everyone behind the company mission and goals. But they need the right skills to do so.

"Many companies are working with smaller budgets and fewer people so staff development is increasingly seen as a way forward, with everyone in the workplace motivating and supporting each other."

The course covers the seven steps to good coaching and the principles of learning.

It is open to any manager with responsibility for staff development and starts in September. For more information contact Allan Clarke on 01282 724200 or through e-mail