A COUNCILLOR has called for a row of 'eyesore' disused garages to be pulled down.

Councillor Malcolm Pritchard says the buildings, at the bottom of Owen Street, next to St Joseph's RC Church, Accrington, are a disgrace and unsightly for people attending the church and passing through on the way to Burnley Road.

The buildings have fallen into disrepair and there is rubbish strewn around the area. The land is owned by James Parkinson, of Burnley Road, who also owns some of the garages -- others are owned by a tenant in Blackburn.

"It's just a disgrace. Something needs doing," said Coun Pritchard. "What we want is a nice tidy area for the church because there are a lot of funerals and weddings here.

"Who wants to come down here and look at this. It's been going on for a long time. They have been out of use since some of them were burnt down years ago. They need knocking down."

Council leader Ian Ormerod said: "We are trying to encourage him to knock them down and put planning permission in for a couple of houses.

"He just makes the right noises but doesn't do anything about it.

"I would have thought it would be to his benefit. We got one large garage knocked down about seven or eight months ago that was being used by kids for drinking and it was a real mess.

"But the other garages are falling into disrepair and I feel there's an opportunity for the owner to turn that area into something worthwhile and make a bit of money as well."

Mr Parkinson said he was planning to develop the land and the matter was in the hands of his solicitor.

"I want to sort it out for the residents as well but my hands are tied. It's a nightmare to me really. We are going to develop the land, it's just a case of getting it sorted out legally."