EAST Lancashire Tory MP Nigel Evans has attacked proposals by the House of Commons Education Select Committee to introduce higher tuition fees and charges for students from middle-class backgrounds.

Speaking at a seminar on ethics in politics at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School, the Tory front bencher and Ribble Valley MP said the Labour-dominated group was wrong.

He said: "Penalising children who come from middle-class backgrounds is immoral, narrow minded, nasty and it shows this government has run out of ideas on education.

"For a party that attacked top-up loans to student grants when in opposition, it is amazing that they have removed the grant, introduced fees and hoist yet more weight on the shoulders of youngsters whose only crime is that their parents are middle-class.

"Clearly this idea should be ditched forthwith.

"MPs face many moral dilemmas, but this issue is one that should unite all decent minded people in fighting this middle-England top-up tax."