A WHITEFIELD GP is stepping up his campaign for improved access to his surgery in the Elms Precinct after being given the brush-off by developers, North Western Properties.

Almost 300 patients have signed a petition claiming they have used a particular access route to the surgery from Bury New Road and the document was sent to MP Ivan Lewis this week.

As reported in the Bury Times, Dr Adrian O'Hare voiced his concerns about the retail and leisure development and claimed that Elms Medical Centre would become virtually inaccessible via George Street as land was to be swallowed up as part of the scheme. And he said the number of current car parking spaces would be reduced resulting in nowhere to park or a longer walk by patients to the surgery in Green Lane.

Dr O'Hare approached North Western Properties with his concerns and a meeting was held at the surgery.

However, the GP claims the meeting was "terse" and "unhelpful" after the Isle of Man-based company refused to show any leeway with the development.

Dr O'Hare said: "They have blocked our suggestion for a right-of-way through the development to the surgery and offered no compromise whatsoever. There was no goodwill from them at all and the meeting was terse and unhelpful from the start."

Dr O'Hare said the surgery had collected 280 signatures supporting the fact that people have used the route from Green Lane to the main road for the last 20 years.

He added: "The surgery has been here 10 years but people have used that route for at least 20. Also, we have been led to believe that there would always be a public car park available but they are now saying the best they can offer is five disabled car parking spaces -- but only after they have completed work on the health and fitness centre."

"They are treating us like a predator business," he added, "but it is unsatisfactory. The patients are very concerned about this. We could seek legal advice about the right-of-way but who is going to fund it? We need the health authority or local authority to help us."

A letter outlining the issue has also been sent to David Sumberg MEP.