WELCOME to 3Sixty magazine and Blackpool, the Gay Capital of the North, where anything and everything can and does happen!

We're excited about the launch of our new bi-monthly publication for the gay community.

Our aim is to keep your finger on the pink button so that you can head for the hottest spots in town.

3Sixty will show you where to seek out gay-friendly accommodation, extravagant and buzzing nite life including the liveliest pubs and cabaret bars, steamy sauna clubs, top shows and restaurants.

Don't miss a visit to Funny Girls - the outrageous, transvestite cabaret venue in Dickson Road.

One of local entrepreneur Basil Newby's many babies, this nationally-known nitespot has developed into an amazing, fully-grown member of his pink emporium.

There's a travel section too, female love is languishing in Lesvos in this issue - plus news, reviews and other tit-bits.

And if you're body conscious - well, aren't we all? - we'll point you in the right direction to make sure you look the business when you mean business!

Have fun and be safe!