BODY Positive Blackpool support centre is run by a team of volunteers who know what they're talking about.

Eight years ago, a small group of HIV-positive men got together to be mutually supportive and to take as much control as possible of their destinies.

Since then, the BPB group has expanded significantly to offer self-help based support for individual sufferers plus facilities for those living with or affected by HIV and AIDS.

Emotional problems generally begin after the implications of HIV diagnosis hit home.

And the longer-term effects of living with the virus often cause considerable anxiety and even depression.

This is where the centre can and does help in providing confidential, professional counselling to foster coping-strategies and confidence-building plus alternative therapy treatments which encourage a sense of well-being. Aromatherapy and reiki are recognised as beneficial to those living with HIV -- particularly in helping alleviate the undesirable side-effects of medication.

The drop-in centre in King Street, Blackpool, is open every weekday from 10am to 4pm and members are encouraged to call in for a cuppa and a chat, pick up information and find out about forthcoming events, which might include talks, family activities, seminars and exhibitions.

A registered charity, Body Positive Blackpool realises that not everyone is able to tolerate the tough regime that HIV medication often entails, and for those who are unwell or unable to get to the centre, home and hospital visits are organised and help given with shopping and other chores.

The BPB runs the only 24-hour helpline in the north of England -- tel 01253 292803 -- and further information on BPB is available on the website:

Volunteers who can offer a little time to help at the centre or in the Red Ribbon charity shop next door are asked to tel: 01253 296884.