A UNIQUE roll of carpet designed for a London hotel was among a £40,000 haul taken from a Blackburn factory.

Raiders hacked the locks off shutter doors at Carpet Link Ltd, in Sett End Road, and made off with 112 rolls of carpet last weekend.

Two £25,000 Mercedes vans -- in which the stock was loaded -- were also taken, although they were later found empty and abandoned in Edenfield and are now being checked by forensic teams for evidence.

Police today revealed that five of the rolls of carpet taken were custom made for a London hotel.

The one-off Axminster design was blue with a yellow diamond pattern and was bound for the Imperial Hotel in Russell Square, in London. The total cost of the rolls was £10,000.

DC Adrian Lewin, of Blackburn CID, said: "This carpet is unique and if anyone has been offered it then they should be aware it has been stolen and contact the police.

"It was obviously a big job and if anyone saw the raiders loading or unloading these two vans, they should also get in touch."

The company was forced to shut for a day as employees did a stock-check to discover exactly what was stolen following the raid.

Managing director Wayne Wyre said the firm was targeted in a similar raid in April. A night watchman has been taken on to deter thieves.

Anyone with information should call Blackburn CID on 01254 353569.