A HUGE craze seems to have taken off -- the motorised scooter. It looks fun and, doubtless, many youngsters who own one think so, too.

But what are the safety regulations for these vehicles?

I have noticed a few teenagers with them in my neighbourhood. None of them wearing helmets. Some of them go on the road -- which is a main road!

And, worst of all, I have seen small children 'riding pillion.'

Surely, there must be some law for the use of such vehicles. There's no reason why children or teenagers shouldn't have fun, but when it comes to safety, I find it very disturbing there are no strict guidelines and that the scooter owners use them in busy built-up areas when they could be using a scooter park of some sort.

I would hate to open the paper one day to read some tragic story about some such owner. Impose the guidelines -- if there are any -- before it's too late. Have fun, but please stay safe.

K WALMSLEY (Miss), Shorrock Lane, Mill Hill, Blackburn.